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Citrine is a quarz crystal (SiO2) that has a varying tome from a ivory yellow to a yellow, smoky yellow and the rare rich amber. This is caused by the addition of iron hydrates at the time of crystalization in the layers of the earth. It has pzyzoeletricity as in all other quartzes it can translate mechanical stimulation into electrical charge and vise-versa. ( More information on this on Kendra Grace's book, "Aromatherapy, Crystals and Vibrational Healing", pg 145.


Light Yellow Citrine Globe Pendant

  • Lightly colored natural citrine with two perfume chambers; 17 diameter mm sphere, 27cts.Price includes a 20" sterling Silver Cable Chain and 1.0 ml pre-selected vial of aromatherapy fragrance.


  • We guarantee your purchase. Our reputation for quality and value is important to us. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, we will replace, refund or credit as you choose. Save your invoice and return the undamaged item by insured mail within ten days time.

    Nature’s Geometry

    P.O. Box 85754, Tucson, AZ 85745

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